Happy first birthday to Annie! This girl has had a full year. She has taken 17 commercial flights, 2 rides in a fixed-wing kodiak, and 4 helicopter flights.
She slept overnight in 14 places, which included eight states in the US, and then two mission bases, one town, and one village in PNG. Now on to milestones:
Though last month I thought she’d never crawl, she picked it up soon thereafter. She is crawling when she has nothing to hold onto and standing and walking when she does. She hasn’t taken a step on her own yet, but that seems close.
Annie says “Hi” and “Uh-oh” on purpose. She is eating a lot (with only two teeth so far) and says “more” and “all done” in sign language.
Really, she is a sweet little one and the boys are very tender with her.
Jude and Oliver are doing well. The Mitchells are next door and there is another missionary family that lives one street over with two kids the same age - so they have school in the mornings and play outside most afternoons.
In other news, another FinisTerre couple has joined the Mitchells and us at the base here in Madang - Josh and Autumn Miller. They are part of another team, but it has been really nice to have more fellowship. AND awesome Josh Miller has spent some of his days off playing with our kids! They have done water guns, slip-n-slide, and then today he brought out his K’nex and spent a couple hours building things with Jude, Oliver, and Sebastian (the Mitchell’s boy).
Happy Thanksgiving from the Canns!
K'nex with Mr. Miller.
Annie and Jude. Clapping for herself because she stood up on her own.
Annie MAY have burnt her hand on the candle just before we began singing:
Figuring out how to use a spoon because it has birthday cake on it:
More pics from the last month:
Swimming at a hotel and waving to her favorite people.
Jude and I made pasta together for a school project.
This marks the end of the monthly updates on Annie. We are all so thankful that the Lord has given us 12 months with our baby girl!
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FinisTerre and sent by
Grace Bible Church.