(I was able to get our blog to load! 5:30am there is enough bandwidth to get this out to you all.)
This girl is 11 months now. She is standing all the time and no where close to figuring out how to crawl. It seems like she will be our earliest walker, since she is on her feet all the time and her brothers didn't walk until 15 months. She still has only one tooth, barely, but she is eating more and more and still loves vegetables. She learned to say "hi" and wave to people, which makes her even more popular when we are out and about. She also says "mama" and "all done" now when we ask her to.
This month, besides enduring a large earthquake, she got to see the Mitchells again (we are all so glad they are back!) joined Oliver and me on a trip to the highlands to see the dentist.
She is still super easy, happy, and laid back. Here are some pictures of her and then a couple more of our last month:
With Jude's feet who was trying to get her to smile.
Here are some more pics from the month:
Our guards killed a snake on the property, but didn't want to pick it up to throw it into the fire, so Jude did.
Jude and Mom date at the Lodge coffee shop.
Just a little game of "try to catch daddy and spray him with water."
On our way back from the highlands, we had a layover in Port Moresby where our friends, the Potinus, took us to the Moresby Nature Park to see some animals.
The cockatoos and parrots started squawking so loud that we ran out of this exhibit.
In the airport on our way back from the dentist. Most expensive cavity ever.
We're with
FinisTerre and sent by
Grace Bible Church.