Thank you for praying for trip 9. The team from Countryside in TX were able to do so much! It was not only productive, but spiritually encouraging to have those guys visit and help.
Zach and Brett worked on getting the solar panels up and wired.
James and Les wired outlets, lights, and fans.
Trying to read our less-than-professional drawings.
All the wiring joined together here in the mudroom where our batteries are stored. One battery seems to be a dud, so that one will be flown out here to town where we will try to revive it. Otherwise we will begin the process of shipping a new one from the states.
After electrical was finished, the guys all started work on plumbing.
Looking for the correct pieces for the drains and fixtures.
Finding some of those pieces on the other tub.
The guys were able to explore the village a bit and attend the church service there.
These guys were such a help to Zach in the village! Their expertise made it possible for our house to be wired and plumbed really well.
One of the TX team, Chas, stayed behind in Madang to learn more about the ministry here.. Everyone loved having him here for that week! He was able to see the work the Twomblys are doing, encouraged all of the adults in the Lord, and spent quality time with the kids.
Not even phased by four kids hanging on him and vying for his attention :)
So thankful for the time these guys gave to serve here!
Brett, from the TX team, stayed here in Madang to keep serving and join the next build trip. So we have been enjoying having him join our lives and work here Madang in the meantime. It has been a bit of a more calm season between trips.
Enjoying the ocean.
We were able to each take the boys on dates.
Brett worked on building out a shed on the property, working on making it a live-able space. He worked with Zach and Seken (our guard) a couple days to install a ceiling.
New Paragraph
Fun Annie.
Sweet Ellie.
This morning, these three left on Build Trip 10. They hope to finish the plumbing to the bathrooms, attaching vanities and sinks and fixtures. The next big thing is re-assembling the kitchen. Interior walls, then mold paint, then assembling cabinets, then sink and countertop. Also on the list is running propane lines for hot water and the gas stove, hanging interior doors, and more interior walls and paint.
Charging Jude as the man of the house ;)
This will be Zach's longest trip so far since we have been back. Thank you for praying for us! I spoke with Zach this morning who said that the internet up there isn't working and they don't know why. They are still able to call on our cell service, but connecting with them will be severely limited if the internet stays down, so you all can pray for that!
We're with
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Grace Bible Church.