We have been back in the village for almost a month now! It has been a season of adjusting physically (cloth diapers, cooking, laundry...!) and relationally, doing the final unpacking/minor projects, and getting back to work. We are well, we are grateful, and we are moving forward with ministry! Here are some pictures.
Jude and Oliver recruited some old friends to build a little shelter:
The boys are our first line of defense against unwanted guests.
Walking through the village:
We started school August 5. We now have a fifth grader:
a seventh grader:
a pre-preschooler:
and a pre-walker:
Zach began formal teaching again last Sunday. Here Eki is praying before Zach begins.
And here is this girl guarding her string bag of raisins that are supposed to keep her still while Daddy preaches :)
Jude spent a lot of his last summer days reading:
And of course we have taken the kids to the waterfall several times:
Annie loves it the most.
Many of you have asked how we are and we appreciate your prayers! My (Cass) job is mainly the same: lots of time teaching, parenting, and diapering children, prepping and cooking food, cleaning the house and clothes... but there are some small opportunities for me to interact with women.
While my job stays constant though the location and particulars have changed, Zach has pivoted from housebuilding to ministry. His time and energy is now able to be focused mainly on Bible translation and teaching, which he loves!
Zach should be updating everyone more fully in an email update soon, we are thankful to all of you who are praying and giving and caring for us from far away!
We're with
FinisTerre and sent by
Grace Bible Church.